Yes, fear of failure is a powerful destructive force. Fear. Imagination. Imaginary fear. Paralyzed by the unknown. I have seen too many people living 50 of the last 1 drama in their living. But in their mind, everything is true and driven by fear and imagination.
Why is it so?
Development, innovation, and pure discovery require a lack of fear, especially a lack of imaginary fear.
So why gives so many energy to fear and imaginary fear. So why is it so?
Maybe like this article says:
The No. 1 Enemy of Creativity: Fear of Failure
Never once in my life until my mid 30s did anyone ever (to the best of my recollection) call me “creative.” But now, I hear it all the time.
So what happened?
Well, after a traditional education, business school, and five years working in strategy consulting and venture capital, I went to a cocktail reception at Stanford’s, the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, where I met George Kembel, cofounder and executive director of the school. While I cannot remember one thing that we discussed, I do remember laughing for about 40 minutes straight as we riffed on odds and ends. (I’ve since learned that anyone who has a sense of humor is creative.)
Over the next five years, what Kembel and his colleagues at the taught me changed the way I thought about everything, leaving me to wonder why the hell I had never learned the basic methods for thinking like a designer (especially in a world where the leading company, Apple, has a culture built around design methods).
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