Yes, there are standards, PMBOK, tools, techniques, methodologies and all of that.  It makes it look as if project management can be robotized.

In reality, project management is a very human activity.  The job of a project manager is to achieve an objective, and manage all the chaos, unknown, issues and challenges that the project will face on its path.

Because, let’s be honest, if everything could be planned, it could also be programmed, automated, and there would be no need for a project manager.

In fact, project manager is the opposite of that.  It is also why it is so different from regular business operations.  It is much easier to automate regular business operations than projects.

And projects are done with persons:

  • The client
  • The sponsor
  • The project teams
  • The stakeholders

Good communication with all stakeholders is very important.  How you manage the various relationships with all of these persons will have a strong influence on the success of the project.

So what is your project manager personality?

Here is an interesting article on this published on


The 7 Project Manager Personalities : Which One Are You?, Zoho Projects,May 16th, 2013

Of note, the article is written by Zoho Projects, which is an excellent provider of various online tools, useful for project managers, including project management.  Take a look at their services:




On the subject of personality, also take a look at this article on Project-Aria:
Know Yourself