A new year for our project management website
2014 is starting, and it is the beginning of a new year for all, including this website. I am happy with the progress in developing this website on project management, leadership and productivity tools. The very first post was published in July 2012. 2013 was the first full year of development of the website.
I have learned a lot in the process, both on the subject and on website development. Writing and researching contents ensure constant exposure to information, and it is amazing what I learn in the process. I also learned a lot on website development, although there is a lot more to learn. I hope to improve the layout of the website in 2014. Some work was done in 2013 on that, but I have yet to complete some tasks.
In all cases, I think the most important objective of the website is to provide interesting contents to the readers. The navigation and visual parts of the website are also important, but what is a website with no contents?
A view on 2013
2013 was the first full year for Project-Aria. And on that subject, I was very happy in 2013 to reach the milestone of 200 posts published.
Project-Aria has been featuring two types of posts:
- Sharing, with some comments, interesting information from other website
- Project management thematic posts, sharing my thoughts on various subjects
The most read posts were:
#1 – Scrumwise
This is a bit of a surprise, as this one is a bit of a quick and fast post that I wrote last summer. It is the most viewed post in 2013.
#2 – Sleep is a key success factor
I love this one, and have been applying the principle in my own life in 2013, with an increase in productivity. It is interesting to note that Harvard Business Review in this post called Achieve Your Goals in 2014 — Here’s Research That Can Help . include sleep also in their recommendations for 2014. So maybe there is hope that the business culture is moving away from busyness and more towards achieving results.
#3 – Dashboard
That one also is a surprise. It is also a quick and fast post on a subject that is often discussed in organizational management. I should write soon a full update / rewrite on this topic.
#4 – On Project Success
I do like this post and was happy to see it well received by the readers on various forums
# 5 – The Thin Line between Project and Operations
Another one of my favorite that was well received.
I also have been involved in some forums and community, my favorite has been in 2013 the Google+ community PM for the Masses.
On a different note, here is the entertaining post I wrote that I was hoping to get more readers… But then, I guess many were on reading vacation during the Holidays Season, which may not be the best time of the year to publish
Mega-Project – Delivering billions of gifts
Some Statistics
Project Management is a topic that is relevant worldwide, so it is interesting to write and discuss with people all around the world.
Here are some key statistics on the country of visitors:
- United States : 25.1 %
- Canada : 24.9 %
- United Kingdom: 7.0 %
- India : 4.8 %
- Australia : 2.5 %
- Germany : 2.1 %
- France : 1.8 %
- Philippines : 1.4 %
- Netherlands : 1.4 %
- Brazil : 1.4 %
- Belgium : 1.3 %
- Spain : 1.3 %
- Mexico : 1.3 %
- Italy : 1.1 %
- Malaysia : 0.8 %
- Indonesia : 0.7 %
- New Zealand : 0.7 %
- Pakistan : 0.7 %
- Peru : 0.7 %
- United Arab Emirates : 0.7 %
The top 20 countries cover 81.7 % of the visitors in 2013.
A view on 2014
I would like to publish about 120 posts in 2014, written by myself. In addition, I would like to invite other bloggers, podcasters, project managers or entrepreneurs to write a post on project management, leadership and productivity for the users here on Project-Aria. I have initiated discussion with some, and hopefully we will start to see these posts soon.
My view of these posts would be:
- I do not want to restrict much the content: as long as this relates to project management, leadership or productivity, it is fine.
- I just want the language and tone to be appropriate and respectful
- Writers can of course promote and/or inform readers of their own website. I view this kind of information as useful to the readers.
- The key is to provide valuable information for the visitors of the website.
Thank you
As we start a new year, 2014, I would like to thank all the readers of Project-Aria. Each one of your visits is a great motivation to continue the work. I would also like to thank all my friends in the project management community. Our discussions, on project management topics or just other parts of life, make this whole project fun and very interesting.