Podio Share
I love modern project management application. they are far better than the 90s way that was just focused on managing the project. Now, they integrate project management with Team Collaboration. Team Collaboration is so powerful for efficiency gain, higher quality...
Yes, this is a common mistake. As a person gets promotion and more responsibilities, the same person forget to learn to delegate. Delegate, delegate, delegate. It is fundamental, and non-debatable. You must delegate. So here’s some...
Time management
Time is one of the essential component of project management. For a project manager, it is important to consider your time as precious, and manage it accordingly. You will not optimize your time management, until you start to consider your time as very precious....
PM PrepCast
PMP Certification To obtain a certification, it is very important to be disciplined and have the proper tool. Here is an excellent resource for those learning project management and trying to obtain their PMP certification. The PM PrepCast is a Project...
10 critical IT trends
Cloud computer, fast innovation, and a landscape always changing are not going to disappear. If one thing, this is going to accelerate, and IT and Senior Management must face this reality or face harsh consequences. Once understood, IT innovation is a huge source of...
Changes… It seems to attract a lot of writing. Change Management is a popular topic today. But how can one resist changes when we live in a world of fast innovation (and ever faster), and constant changes in the environment? Is the whole discussion on changes...
How to organize efficiently research with modern tools? This is a good question, so I am researching option. I think knowledge management is important, and using IT tools is essential. When everything was done in paper, you had to decide on the ONE dimension that is...
How not to be too smart
A leader is often the one that has ambition, knowledge, expertise, etc. People look at him to lead the team in the right direction. But can the strength be also the cause of some weaknesses? Yes. As this article says, You Can’t Be Effective When You’re...
Task Names
It is important to name a task in a way that makes it clear what should be achieve. Yes, you will see a productivity boost when everyone in a team understands what we need to do and why.

Podio is an interesting Project Management and Team Collaboration web app. The following article is an interesting review of Podio on businessinsider.com Podio: A Collaboration Application That “Does It All” It should be noted that Podio was not developed by Citrix,...
LinkedIn habits to quit
LinkedIn is a platform used by many professional and persons managing projects. Here is an interesting article on how to best use the platform. LinkedIn habits to quit By Daniel Newman | Posted: September 25, 2012 Here is a excerpt of the article More than anything,...
Time is not results
I love this article. In the knowledge work of many jobs today, time management is important, yet managing time can be misleading. What you need to manage is productivity and efficiency. And unfortunately too many times senior management thinks that working more...
I like to have a paperless workflow. While it is true that the paperless dream has often failed and is the cause of many jokes, I do believe that we now have the technology to make it happen. It is just a many of building the right habit. As an example, I like to...
Are you sure doing a PowerPoint Presentation is a good idea?
On the subject of presentation, PowerPoint presentation is definitely not a novelty anymore! I would even say that most do them like robots, thinking it is simply “the professional thing” to do. But is it? Is it really what your audience is...
Create a Presentation Your Audience Will Care About
Presentations… just like meetings… These are probably two things that often go bad, or very bad, in the workplace. Too many people use Powerpoint in a robotic mode, fill it with content, and everybody in the audience is bored to death. And then,...
Leadership and Trust
This is an interesting article on Leadership and Trust. Trust is hard to build and easy to lose. You don’t gain trust with a promotion, or a MBA degree. You cannot order trust. The Eight Pillars of Trust Source: https://www.leadershipnow.comFrom the article,...
Inbox Management
Efficiency is something that I love. While I always try to reach the highest quality possible, if not go beyond… It is even more pleasant to be able to get there efficiently. Any techniques, knowledge, skills that save me time is precious for me. On that...
8 Things Remarkably Successful People Do
I love the last one: 8. They are never too proud. To admit they made a mistake. To say they are sorry. To have big dreams. To admit they owe their success to others. To poke fun at themselves. To ask for help. To fail. And to try again. See article on...
Book: Leading Apple With Steve Jobs
Apple is now such a great icon of creativity, productivity and profitability. And all of that based on innovation, not useless banking tricks such as financial engineering. Steve Jobs had a different vision and style. However the company was so big that he could...
Use the right software to manage projects!
Yes, indeed, please use the right software to manage project. And please use an application that also supports efficiently team collaboration.

Overcoming Fear
To follow-up on yesterday’ post on fear and the destructive energy of imaginary fear, here’s an interesting article to positively solve this issue. It is important to overcome fear and negative imagination if someone wants to reach excellence , and learn...
Quote of the day
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. ~ Albert Einstein