Funny thing is that micromanagers never think that they are micromanagers.  They always find complex intellectual reason to justify the behavior, and think that they are only doing their job

Here’s a good article on micro-management. Of the 5 indicators, I would say some relates to not using a good modern project management and team collaboration app, ideally on the web.  With such tool, it becomes useless to request status update, and meet to waste time to just obtain status update.  The ultimate sin of a micromanager is to “pick holes in everything that someone does”, to think that only you is perfect and only your approach is great.  Micromanagement disable the strength of others, and after a while it can be a self-fullfilling prophecy.  If only your ideas are great, then your team stop contributing with their own ideas, and your team stop completing a product because it is pointless the micromanager will change everything anyway.

Focus on getting the most out of your team.  Enable them.  Don’t be insecure and let insecurity make you a micromanager.

Why Micro-Management Is Bad

by Jennifer Bridges, PMP (formerly, Jennifer Whitt)

I like to go to my good friend Google to see what words really mean because as we know, there are terms that get misused. A good definition of micro-manager is, according to viewer votes on Yahoo!, a person who is controlling and has to have their hands into everything. They do not allow for others to handle anything without being scrutinized.

Read full article on PMHut