I have spent some time lately updating my resume, and researching that submit.  We tend to neglect that document.  It has been a while since I completely reviewed mine.  So I thought the timing was good.

My current approach is to try to communicate clearly my education, skills, experience, and accomplishments.  I try to stay away from grandiose statement.  Let the facts speak for themselves.

I never understood why a decade ago people where trying to put a big objective statement in their resume.  Why would the employer be the right person to manage my life, and why should as a hiring manager try so much to manage the life and ambitions of the candidates.

Also, let’s realize that in a fast-pace environment, with fast innovations and constant changes in the business environment, what someone may have done 15 years ago (or more) may be totally irrelevant and outdated.

Here’s some interesting tips writing a good resume:

Executive Resumes: 5 More Ways to Ensure Your Executive Resume Is Trashed

Posted by Lisa Rangel on 27 September, 2012

he lists of Do’s and Don’ts for writing your executive resume, whether you are a financial executive, marketing leader, corporate attorney, information technology director or C-level officer an organization, are well published. You have seen many lists that tell you the obvious points not to do in your executive resume: no spelling or grammar errors, no abbreviations, no color paper and not too long, to name just a few.  As a former recruiter and hiring manager, I outline these five additional ways you can ensure that your executive resume will end up in the trash:

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Linked to that subject, you can also read this good post from Executive Resume Expert on 5 worthless phrases to avoid on LinkedIn.  After all, in 2013, the digital resume and professional social network like LinkedIn are hard to avoid.

The 5 Most Worthless Phrases in Your LinkedIn Headline

LinkedIn HeadlineYour LinkedIn Headline is arguably the most important piece of real estate within your Profile.

Yet, most users remain confused about its true function, and what to use (in place of the default, which is your current job title).

Within LinkedIn’s search algorithm, your Headline ranks #1, meaning that out of all the other information you’ll add to your Profile, the words here are weighted more heavily as search terms.

In addition, your Headline is the first (and possibly the ONLY) piece of information other users will see. It’s displayed in a search list, under your name in an Invitation, and in numerous other prominent places on the site.

Here’s my list of the most meaningless words you can use in your Headline (all found in actual Profiles!) – plus some suggestions for stronger alternatives:

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