I love productivity. It always has been one of my quest, to perform work in the most efficient way. That is why I love computer tools, and learned some database programming. It was to save me and be able to do some analysis in the shortest time possible. I had some projects in which it was simply impossible to succeed otherwise.
That is why this website has a focus on these 3 dimensions:
- Leadership
- Project Management
- Productivity
Recently, I listened to a podcast done by PM for the Masses that includes an interview with Peter Taylor. It is titled “Accomplish More While Doing Less with Peter Taylor”. It is actually the very first episode of this podcast. Good job, Cesar for PM for the Masses.
PM for the Masses is also a community on Google+. If you like to discuss project management, please join the community.
So after listening to the podcast, I was curious. Peter Taylor published a book called the Lazy Project Manager. Today, I decided to buy it in pdf and will read it. I am very curious to see what Mr. Taylor says in his book. You can find the book on his website.