Leadership in project management

I am very interested in the subject of leadership in project management.  I always have been interested in psychology and personal development.  Being an executive for more than 7 years, I also have had the opportunity to learn and explore leadership concepts, and their importance.  I focus my learning in the past years on knowledge and leadership.


I often find that leadership and decision-making are absent in articles and books on project management.  And when you can find something on leadership, it is  often too narrow and only focused on team motivation.


Susanne Madsen is an expert in project management that talks about leadership.  I like to follow her on the internet, and mentioned her in an earlier post.  I also mentioned her as one of the top women to follow in project management.


Her next book is on leadership in project management.  It is titled: [easyazon_link asin=”0749472340″ locale=”US” new_window=”yes” nofollow=”yes” tag=”projectariaus-20″ add_to_cart=”no” cloaking=”yes” localization=”yes” popups=”yes”]The Power of Project Leadership: 7 Keys to Help You Transform from Project Manager to Project Leader[/easyazon_link]

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Here is a synopsis of the book

The Power of Project Leadership: 7 Keys to Help You Transform from Project Manager to Project Leader

For projects to succeed and have lasting impact, project managers must be able to strategize, innovate, motivate, empower and collaborate – in other words, project managers must learn how to lead.The Power of Project Leadership – helps project managers to transform into effective project leaders by shifting their managerial and task orientated mindset into one of inspiration, motivation and collaboration. It teaches them how to feel more confident and assertive, handle conflict and poor performance, build a team of critical thinkers, and be comfortable taking risks and standing out as a leader.

The book describes what good project leadership looks like and explains how to make the transition using concrete tools and strategies. With underlying theories to help the reader understand how teams and individuals are motivated, it ensures that project managers lead with vision, continuously improve and innovate, work with intent, empower the team, get closer to stakeholders, remain authentic and establish a solid foundation for their projects.

The book has a practical and engaging approach and references over 25 interviews with leading project management experts and thought leaders who themselves have made the transition from project manager to project leader. These experts come from a variety of sectors and companies; including Expedia, British Gas, Standard Bank, Verizon Enterprise Solutions, and the UK Government.


Buy the book

Buy from Amazon

I just pre-ordered my copy.  I would prefer an electronic version, but this one is a paper book.  But Susanne is an expert in leadership in project management, so I gladly bought a paperback book.  I am in Canada, so using Amazon was easy and less expensive.

[easyazon_cta add_to_cart=”yes” align=”middle” asin=”0749472340″ cloaking=”yes” height=”42″ key=”tall-orange” localization=”yes” locale=”US” nofollow=”yes” new_window=”yes” tag=”projectariaus-20″ width=”120″]The Power of Project Leadership: 7 Keys to Help You Transform from Project Manager to Project Leader[/easyazon_cta]

Buy from the publisher

You can also.buy the book here from the publisher.


You should visit the website of Susanne Madsen first.  Sometimes, she may have coupon for you.



 Other book from Susanne Madsen

Project Management Coaching Workbook: Six Steps to Unleashing Your Potential

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