The Book

Susanne Madsen published at the beginning of January 2015 her second book titled The Power of Project Leadership: 7 keys to help you transform from project manager to project leader. The book is available in print version and ebook. You can find both on Amazon, [easyazon_link identifier=”0749472340″ locale=”US” tag=”projectariaus-20″]print[/easyazon_link] and [easyazon_link identifier=”B00RPBJMHE” locale=”US” tag=”projectariaus-20″]Kindle[/easyazon_link] versions.

The book is published by KoganPage, a publisher with an interesting catalog of books on project management, leadership and business management.

A website was created for the book, where you can find information on the book and addition.

Get the book

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Amazon Kindle: [easyazon_link identifier=”B00RPBJMHE” locale=”US” tag=”projectariaus-20″]The Power of Project Leadership: 7 Keys to Help You Transform from Project Manager to Project Leader[/easyazon_link]

Amazon paperback: [easyazon_link identifier=”0749472340″ locale=”US” tag=”projectariaus-20″]The Power of Project Leadership: 7 Keys to Help You Transform from Project Manager to Project Leader[/easyazon_link]

iTunes iBooks: The Power of Project Leadership – Susanne Madsen

Kobo: The Power of Project Leadership


Readers of Project-Aria should not be surprised to hear that I consider leadership skills essential, especially in a fast changing world. After all, I covered the topic in my first book [easyazon_link identifier=”B00TMIMRWU” locale=”US” tag=”projectariaus-20″]Leadership Toolbox for Project Managers: Achieve better results in a dynamic world[/easyazon_link].

I started to read the book after publishing mine.

The book has 286 pages.  It is written like a textbook, designed to support professional development.  It summarizes the extensive research Susanne Madsen has done on the subject.  It is not surprising to see the format of the book, as Susanne Madsen is an internationally recognised project leadership coach, trainer, speaker and consultant.

The book is written from the perspectives of experts who often prefer the details and complexity of their expertise. They also learned project management, but again more as a technique to support their expertise. The book also has the perspective of large projects that would require a dedicated project management team.

To add variety and the perspectives of others, the book also includes various quotes from interviews with leaders in the field of project management.

The book is divided in four parts:

  • Part 1 discusses the consequences of a world that is changing fast. This world requires more leaders than followers.
  • Part 2 covers important psychological elements that a person must explore to become a leader.
  • Part 3 is the core of the book, covering one by one each of the proposed 7 keys to project leadership. In this part, each of the 7 keys is discussed in details, as a coaching session. Each section ends with a review of common difficulties for this particular key, and questions to help the project manager further develop this skill.
  • Part 4 focuses the action plan: how to make the transition from project manager to project leader happen.

Project management is a very powerful discipline. It is used for various types of project, even very strategic initiatives. When you learn about project management, the theory is very technical, focused on tools and techniques. While it is important to master these tools and techniques, there is an illusion in many textbooks that if you just apply more these tools and techniques, it will solve all problems in project management.

This is a naïve view. That is why it is important to have a proper equilibrium between expertise, management skills and leadership skills.

In a complex environment, leadership skill will increase the value added contribution of the project manager. This is the power of project leadership.  And this book will give the reader a roadmap to start his transformation from project manager to project leader.

While reading the book, I was happy to see some elements of self-awareness included in the book. It is rarely the intellectual parts of leadership that are difficult to understand. The challenge is the introspection required and the mindset that must be changed.  It is also the ultimate level of leadership.


I recommend this book to project managers interested in developing and improving their leadership skills. I think it is a requirement when managing complex and strategic project. It will not only enhance your results as a project manager but will also make it easier for you to connect and develop relationships with senior management, including the project sponsor and the governance body. The book provides a good discussion on the essential elements of leadership. The reader will find many steps and advice that will improve his leadership skills and enhance his ability to achieve results.

As with any leadership book, it is important to understand that the development will be a lifelong journey. But starting the journey is the most important step, and I think that this book provides a good foundation to start this journey.

I think this book should be in the library of all project managers.

…And I wonder what Susanne would think of my own book… But that is another story.

Enjoy [easyazon_link identifier=”0749472340″ locale=”US” tag=”projectariaus-20″]The Power of Project Leadership: 7 Keys to Help You Transform from Project Manager to Project Leader[/easyazon_link] and start your transformation from project manager to project leader.

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About Susanne Madsen

Twitter: @SusanneMadsen
