Project-Aria Blog
Read our publication covering leadership and project managementOur Favorite Method to Watch Our Projects Fail
Read my latest publication on the AITS Blogging Alliance. In this article, I discuss one very frequent method to make a project fail.
So They Called It a ‘Project’… but Is It?
View my latest post on the AITS Blogging Alliance. So They Called It a ‘Project’… but Is It?
Two Rights Make a Wrong in Project Management
View our latest post on the AITS Blogging Alliance, published on November 4, 2016 Do you have a common understanding with the business team on the project on the various elements of the project? [et_bloom_inline optin_id=optin_6]
Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Decisions That Bleed Projects Dry
Read my guest post published on the AITS website.
Are You Really Collaborating? Too Much Communication Also Kills Projects
Read my guest post, published on AITS website on collaboration, and how it can help or hinder your project.
How project managers can give constructive feedback
As a project manager, you have to manage a team. You will have to assign tasks and coordinate activities. You will also have to evaluate performance and provide feedback to employees. In this post, you will find 7 tips on how to provide constructive feedback, and successfully develop a productive team for your projects.
Build a positive work environment
The Leadership responsibility As a leader, the quality of the workplace you create is one of your responsibilities. It is a very important one. It is first a human responsibility. We are in 2016. Some behavior should not be accepted. The passive approach is to think...
2015 – A year in review
A Busy 2015 2015 has been a busy year. A lot has happened since our last annual review for the end of 2014. The success of the year has been the publication of my first book: Leadership Toolbox for Project Managers. It is now available in print and on 7 different...
Owning the Solution: Not Every Project Is an IT Project
Read my guest post published on the AITS website.
Book Review – Project Management for You
Cesar Abeid recently published his first book titled Project Management for you: How to turn your ideas into reality, deliver on your promises, and get things done. The book is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle format. I bought a copy and had the pleasure of...
It’s Time For The PMO To Deliver The Value They Promise
For 10 years now the PMO has been integral to the way projects get delivered in organisations. Unfortunately, too many of them still get in the way.
Our first half of 2015
A Busy Period It has been a very busy year in 2016. So much that, at times, I could not keep up with my goal of posting a new article once a week. Despite that, it remains my goal to publish one article on Project-Aria every week while maybe giving myself 3-4 weeks...
Reporting the reality of the project
Communication in project management We all have heard about the importance of communication. We all know that there is a chapter in PMBOK called Project Communication Management. Projects require numerous discussions with various stakeholders. You will have to present...
Leading with vision and strategy
The importance of project leadership Project management is a powerful tool. It is one of the best tools to support strategic initiatives of organizations. If we are to manage projects of strategic importance, it is essential as project managers to be able to think...
Put it in writing
Key decisions, requirements, and commitments for your projects should be put in writing. Find how putting in writing key information can help you manage your projects successfully.