Project-Aria Blog

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Book Review | Real Project Management

Book Review | Real Project Management

A refreshing book I had the pleasure of reading the latest book written by Peter Taylor, also known as the lazy project manager. Peter Taylor is the author of books on project management, including The Lazy Project Manager, The Lazy Project Manager and the Project...

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Book Review – The Power of Project Leadership

Book Review – The Power of Project Leadership

The Book Susanne Madsen published at the beginning of January 2015 her second book titled The Power of Project Leadership: 7 keys to help you transform from project manager to project leader. The book is available in print version and ebook. You can find both on...

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The ultimate level of leadership

The ultimate level of leadership

Beyond being an expert In project management, we usually come to the profession from another path. We are first experts in a particular field. We start to work on various projects and, based on our successes, we are assigned more and more responsibilities. It is the...

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Comindware Project – review

Comindware Project – review

Product overview Product Comindware Project is a project management and team collaboration online software.  It is designed to help project managers and  project teams successfully manage projects, and collaborate on tasks.  It provides a unified workspace for...

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managing problems and issues

managing problems and issues

A  good project plan When managing a project, it is important to spend sufficient time designing a good project plan. Proper planning is one of the most important concepts in project management. The project management plan is a central document that defines the basis...

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Top 10 of 2014

Top 10 of 2014

a year in review It is the time of the year to look back at our publications.  Project-Aria continue to progress, publishing various thoughts on project management and leadership. A few statistics: 46 articles were published it includes 4 guest posts June was a bad...

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Project management books on Amazon

Project management books on Amazon

Learning with books It is important as a project manager to constantly improve and learn.  This is how we continue to add more value to our projects. The work environment is dynamic and very competitive.  It is up to us to be proactive and manage our career.  Of...

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2014 UK Project Manager Salaries ebook

2014 UK Project Manager Salaries ebook

Career in project management A website on project management often focuses mostly on knowledge related to project management.  We do the same on Project-Aria, with the addition of leadership and productivity.  But the project manager is also a person, so I added two...

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Career advice from women… for all

Career advice from women… for all

Women in the business world   Here is a good presentation on Slideshare.  It provides career advice from women.   I think it is great to have as much diversity as possible in the workplace.  We need multiple point of view.  If you want a weak organization,...

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