Project management books on Amazon

Project management books on Amazon

Learning with books It is important as a project manager to constantly improve and learn.  This is how we continue to add more value to our projects. The work environment is dynamic and very competitive.  It is up to us to be proactive and manage our career.  Of...

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2014 UK Project Manager Salaries ebook

2014 UK Project Manager Salaries ebook

Career in project management A website on project management often focuses mostly on knowledge related to project management.  We do the same on Project-Aria, with the addition of leadership and productivity.  But the project manager is also a person, so I added two...

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Career advice from women… for all

Career advice from women… for all

Women in the business world   Here is a good presentation on Slideshare.  It provides career advice from women.   I think it is great to have as much diversity as possible in the workplace.  We need multiple point of view.  If you want a weak organization,...

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Interesting courses on uDemy

Interesting courses on uDemy

Courses to discover Here are some interesting courses on uDemy. For a very short period of time, until end of the day on October 31, 2014, uDemy offer them at a very special price of $10. I immediately took the opportunity to buy a few and am sharing with you. Use...

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2014 Project Management Trends

2014 Project Management Trends

Celoxis Project Management recently published a presentation on Slideshare called "Top 5 Project Management Trends in 2014". I am always curious about innovation and new ideas, so of course this kind of reports attracts my attention. [learn_more caption="Discover...

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Project reports

Project reports

The choice of Tools to support a project   Project management is all about delivering results. The tools that we use as project manager should support us in achieving this objective. It should not be the other way around. A good project is well supported by the...

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The art of doing presentation

The art of doing presentation

As project manager, it is important to master the art of doing presentations.  Most projects will require at some point a presentation.  It may be at the beginning of the project, during the initiation phase.  Or it may be at the end of the planning phase to present...

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Microsoft Excel Tips for Project Managers

Microsoft Excel Tips for Project Managers

There’s lots of great tools that Project Managers (PMs) use in their day-to-day work. ou may have heard that Microsoft Project is THE tool that PMs should use to manage projects. Or for the folks that like tools in the “cloud”, Basecamp is another option. But what if...

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Podcasting tips from a listener

Podcasting tips from a listener

My discovery of podcast A while ago, I decided to explore the world of podcasts.  I must admit that I did not join early this new form of media.  Usually, for technology, I am a very early adopter.  But somehow, podcasts did not interest me much for a long time.  They...

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2 years – Top 10 posts on Project-Aria

2 years – Top 10 posts on Project-Aria

2 years of Project-Aria I am about to go on my annual vacation.  I love to travel, so this is always a nice part of the year.  I usually travel in the summer, as it is easier to coordinate with the schedule of the kids.  Anyway, if I don't do that, it just means more...

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Improving productivity beyond the system

Improving productivity beyond the system

Busyness   I discussed recently what to do in period of extreme busyness, in the following two posts: Back from extreme busyness 5 tips to manage your productivity in busy time   Theses posts discussed improving productivity.   I noted in some responses...

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Back from extreme busyness

Back from extreme busyness

Busy life It has been a while since my last post.  I apologize for that.  Project-Aria is still definitely alive and well.  I have many ideas for the future, and am still very dedicated to Project-Aria. I got very busy.  Too busy.  And to make it worse, I did initiate...

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requirements for project manager position

requirements for project manager position

Working as a project manager We like to read and learn on project management.  But what does it take to be hired as a project manager?  That is an interesting question.  You can find opinions from various authors.  However, there is another way to identify these...

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