The Power of Project Leadership: 7 Keys to Help You Transform from Project Manager to Project Leader

$ 39.95

Project Leadership is essential in a fast-changing world.  This book provide a insights on 7 keys to become a leader, along with guidance on how to further develop your leadership skills.

This book is written by Susanne Madsen, who is an internationally recognised project leadership coach, trainer and consultant.

She is one of the top person that I recommend project managers to follow.  She has an in-depth understand of project management, combined with real experience.

Discover this book, and her first book Project Management Coaching Workbook.

Available through other retailers. Listed price is the generic listed price as of July 21, 2015. Price may vary.

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For projects to make an impact and add lasting value, the project manager has to be able to strategize, motivate, network, calculate risk and collaborate effectively with different stakeholders.  Project managers must learn how to lead.

The Power of Project Leadership
helps project managers transform into proactive, accountable project leaders.  It explains what good project leadership looks like and explains how to make the transition using concrete tools and strategies. This book teachers project managers how to feel more confident and assertive as project manager and leader, gain control of a project by delegating 50% of their workload, handle conflict and poor performance, build a highly motivated and driven team, continuously look for opportunities to innovate, be comfortable taking risks, and become a project leader.

With underlying theories to help managers understand how teams and individuals are motivated, this book ensures that project managers lead with vision, continuously improve, work with intent, get closer to stakeholders, are authentic and establish a solid foundation for their projects.

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