Build a positive work environment

Build a positive work environment

The Leadership responsibility As a leader, the quality of the workplace you create is one of your responsibilities. It is a very important one. It is first a human responsibility. We are in 2016. Some behavior should not be accepted. The passive approach is to think...
Our first half of 2015

Our first half of 2015

A Busy Period It has been a very busy year in 2016. So much that, at times, I could not keep up with my goal of posting a new article once a week. Despite that, it remains my goal to publish one article on Project-Aria every week while maybe giving myself 3-4 weeks...
Book Review – The Power of Project Leadership

Book Review – The Power of Project Leadership

The Book Susanne Madsen published at the beginning of January 2015 her second book titled The Power of Project Leadership: 7 keys to help you transform from project manager to project leader. The book is available in print version and ebook. You can find both on...
The ultimate level of leadership

The ultimate level of leadership

Beyond being an expert In project management, we usually come to the profession from another path. We are first experts in a particular field. We start to work on various projects and, based on our successes, we are assigned more and more responsibilities. It is the...
Basics of leadership – habits of happy people

Basics of leadership – habits of happy people

Leadership in project management   Leadership in project management is essential.  As the profession becomes more and more important in organization, and not just used for minor activities here and there, it has to play a more strategic role.   Leadership in...
Leadership Lessons from the Conductor’s Podium

Leadership Lessons from the Conductor’s Podium

Leadership in music Life as choir director and conductor   This is not going to be the usual kind of post on project management or on leadership. I don’t run a company or manage projects worth many dollars. What I do lead and manage, though, I consider far more...
Changing the project manager during the project

Changing the project manager during the project

The ideal scenario The project management theory is built on an ideal scenario.  A project is initiated, a sponsor assigns a project manager, a team is selected (hopefully by the project manager based on competencies required), and everything is done by that team...
Become the leader you are looking for

Become the leader you are looking for

Life lesson Many years ago, before I met my wonderful wife, I was dumped by a great girl I thought for sure I’d marry one day. I had been dumped before, but this time had been different. I asked myself “why did this great girl leave me?” And after...
winning support for your project

winning support for your project

Beyond the project plan Here’s an interesting question.  After all, even if you are an expert on the subject of your project and have developed a very good and comprehensive plan, you may still hit bumps.  At some point, you will note that something is missing....
Project Leadership Coach – Discover Susanne Madsen

Project Leadership Coach – Discover Susanne Madsen

Project Leadership Project Managers often come from a technical background.  And then project management methodologies make them focus on intellectual activities such as planning, tasks, milestones, events, etc. However, it is not sufficient to manage a project team....
A few articles on leadership

A few articles on leadership

Here is a collection of posts on leadership that are interesting to read: Enjoy the reading! Business Improvement Architects 5 Things Remarkable Leaders Do to Succeed 5 Things Remarkable Leaders Do to Succeed Innovate “Innovation comes from people meeting up in the...
You are a leader, you should know these harsh facts

You are a leader, you should know these harsh facts

I like this article, entitled 5 Harsh Truths Every Aspiring Leader Needs to Know. A leader can become too obsess with the objectives, deliverables, project success, and forget those important truths. The first one is always key: you can’t do it alone.  You have...
The impact of bad management

The impact of bad management

As a boss, it is easy to blame employees who don’t perform at the desired level.  In a sense, it is also relatively easy to help them and offer solution. It is much harder to deal with boss that do not provide the appropriate leadership and do not believe in...
Know Yourself

Know Yourself

To be a good leaders, it is important to know yourself. Personality tests can be useful to improve how we perceive ourselves, and to understand the impact of our personality on other business relationships. Yes, our professional life is based on process, workflow,...
Boss or leader

Boss or leader

Here a very good short post on being a boss or being a leader.   Are you a boss or a leader?  It is a good question.   I must prefer being a leader.   I like these quotes:     The position you have or the title you’ve been given (or maybe gave...
Managing star employees

Managing star employees

We often talk about how to manage difficult employees.  But there’s the flip side.  A star employee may be difficult to manage, and sometimes even more difficult to manage.  Actually, even the star employee may sometimes suffer from his own genius.  His mind can...
Embracing Uncertainty

Embracing Uncertainty

I read too many articles about “risk management” and “change management” that are still too anchored in the assumptions that normal things should be stable and predictable.  What if that assumption is not  true?  What if the status quo is now...
On leadership

On leadership

It takes a lot of courage and humility to be a good leader.  Leadership is not management and is different from holding a position.  The position lets someone give order in the formal way.  Leadership is more related to trust and excellence.  Does your team trust you,...
Lead by example

Lead by example

I am a complete believer in the importance of leading by example.  I do think you cannot just be an MBA leader, by that I mean a leader who has simply learned all the right buzzword, and can talk at any management meeting… Yet, if you do have the right Know-how...
How not to be too smart

How not to be too smart

A leader is often the one that has ambition, knowledge, expertise, etc.   People look at him to lead the team in the right direction.   But can the strength be also the cause of some weaknesses?  Yes.  As this article says, You Can’t Be Effective When You’re...
8 Things Remarkably Successful People Do

8 Things Remarkably Successful People Do

I love the last one: 8. They are never too proud. To admit they made a mistake. To say they are sorry. To have big dreams. To admit they owe their success to others. To poke fun at themselves. To ask for help. To fail. And to try again. See article on...