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You will receive through email unique email only sent to our subscribers.  We send an email twice per month, on the 1st and 15 of the month.  In addition, we can also send other messages for special communication.

You can respond and reply to email.  I receive them directly and appreciate direct conversation with the members of the Project-Aria community.



Also please make sure to include my email address in your contact list, so that my messages always reach your inbox, not the spam folder.

Again, welcome!

Michel Dion, founder of Project-Aria

Meanwhile …

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It gives me a chance to know better the members of the community and design contents and products that fulfill their needs.

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  • What do you like about the site

No need to be complicated.  Just say hi and share your thoughts!

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I am very happy to have you part of my community

Michel Dion, founder of Project-Aria